Equipped with two 3D printers, the Fortin Discovery Lab is capable of catering to your specific 3D printing needs. Be it a quick visual mock-up delivered ASAP, or a detailed industrial part optimized for strength and durability.
Fortus 250mc:
- Build Envelope of 254x254x305 mm (10x10x12 in)
- Accuracy of +/- 0.241mm (0.0095in)
- Layer thickness as low as 0.178 mm (0.007 in) with a max of 0.330mm (0.013 in).
- Material: ABSplus-P430 in a variety of colours (subject to availability)
The Fortus 250mc is powered by Stratasys’ Insight software, allowing precise control of every part. This allows for embedded hardware such as nuts, bolts or threaded inserts as well as strength and density optimizations and fine tuned surface finish. Whether you require a small, detailed part or one that will stand up to some serious testing or use; the Fortus 250mc is the ideal machine.
Makerbot Replicator 5th Generation:
- Build Envelope of 252x199x150 mm (9.9×7.8×5.9 in)
- Accuracy of 100 microns
The Makerbot Replicator 5th Gen is a smaller printer optimal for simple, good looking parts at a low cost. While not recommended for industrial or strength reliant applications, this is an ideal machine for any quick jobs that are just meant to look the part. Great for initial mock-ups and concepts. .